Leighton Nelson asked an interesting Oracle security question via Twitter yesterday regarding Oracle’s built-in password verification functions and whether or not it can be bypassed by changing the way you create a user: Does updating password via alter user identified by values "<encrypted value>" bypass profile settings in 11.2.03? I
Category: News
Overall news on database, content, and data management technology.
Oracle 12c Community Content and Visualizations
For the last two weeks since Oracle Database 12c was released, I have been aggregating community content into a list that includes everything from videos to slides to articles. At present there are 190 articles from 83 authors, which is absolutely incredible considering the short time the new version of
How long can I hold off on Oracle 12c?
It’s that time again. Oracle 12c is out and many of us are forming various plans on what we’re going to do with it. I’ve found that most thoughts around this are one of: I’m going to blog until my fingers bleed. I really wish I could just upgrade production
Oracle Database 12c (12.1) Installation and New Features
Getting Started with Oracle Database 12c (RDBMS) Oracle-Base Installation Guide by Tim Hall RAC Laptop Install Presentation by Yury Velikanov Official Oracle Links The Oracle 12c Learning Library (Tutorials) New Database Editions Matrix SQL Developer and Oracle 12c Oracle VM Templates for Database 12c Oracle 12c Interactive Poster Oracle 12c
Running in the Background
We all have that list of features we just wish Oracle would adopt in their latest version: alterable redo log files, command history in SQL*Plus, DBA_OOPS package with various rollback options when you screw something up… One of my biggest wishlist items is detachable sessions. In Oracle 10g we got
Genesis (Ace Comic)
The magic of creation… Related It was probably a database problem: Changes (Ace Comic) Avoiding Armageddon: High Performance Tuning Tools
High Performance Tuning Tools
Obligatory Melodrama No matter how much time goes by I still remember it. The day my database was crippled beyond reckoning. That moment when I saw my hopes for a bright and shining future with my database spill through my fingers like so many cracker crumbs falling on a clean
Gamifying the DBA Experience
All work and no play makes us dull DBAs. Being a DBA can be a really thankless job. From Jr. Shutdown Immediaters to Sr. Rockstar Oracle DBA ACE OCM PMP LOL A+ BBQs, we’ve all trudged into work at some point in our careers only to find that we have
Industry Leader (Ace Comic)
More Friday fun from the World’s Leading DBA Comic! Related: Metrics That Matter: These Aren’t the Metrics You’re Looking For Improve Your Experience: DBA, Grow Thyself – Moving and Shaking in the Era of Data Dominance
Bringing Oracle Sales to the Table
April is almost over, and you know what that means… Oracle really, REALLY wants to talk to you about some of their products. It’s no secret that the end of Oracle’s fiscal year (May 31st) marks a flurry of activity for Oracle sales, and doubtless many of you have met